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HTML Frames 3

If you want to insert a frame containing a webpage, into another webpage, you need to use an Inline Frame (an iframe). This is especially useful if you want to display a webpage from another website inside a page on your own website.

Inbetween the <body> & </body> TAGS of your webpage, you need to insert the <iframe> TAG (and it's closing TAG) where you want the inline frame to appear: <html>

Then you need to specify the properties of the <iframe>:

name="" This specifies the name for this frame. This can be anything you like, but each frame must have a different and unique name.

src="" This tells the browser what page will initially appear in the frame on first visit. Enter the URL of the page between the quote marks ("").

width="" This specifies the width of the inline frame.

height="" This specifies the height of the inline frame.

frameborder="" Specifies whether you want a border around the inline frame or not. 0 = no border. 1, 2, 3 etc = a border (higher the number, thicker the border).

scrolling="no" Do you want a scrollbar to appear on the inline frame? Can be yes, no or auto. If you select auto, the browser will decide whether to display a scroll bar or not, based on the amount of content in that frame.

This is what your code would look like now: <iframe name="content" src="mypage.html" width="500" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>

When creating hyperlinks, if you want the linked page to appear inside the inline frame, remember to include target="" in the <a> TAG, and place the name you've given to the inline frame between the quote marks ("").
Example: <a href="mypage.html" target="content">My Link</a>
